N6JV is located in Wilton, East of Elk Grove on 5 acres. The tower is an LM-470 at 70 feet with an XR-5 beam, 40 meter rotating dipole and 4 elements on 6 meters. Sloping verticals are used on 80 meters.

A second W-51 Tower is located North of the LM-470. It has a 2 element 30 meter beam.

A 7 element LFA beam is mounted on 25 feet of Rohn 25 for 6 meter EME.

The station uses an ICOM 756 PRO III, a ICOM IC-756 and an ICOM 706 MK2. There are separate 1000+ watt amplifiers on 160, 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meters. A 200 watt amplifier is used on 30 meters. There are separate antenna couplers for all bands 160 through 10 meters. Amplifiers, couplers and the common power supply, occupy 4 six foot racks. A 20 watt TWTA amplifier is used on 10 GHz.

Spare tubes are kept on the second floor of the garage transmitting tube museum. About 1200 tubes with dissipations up to 1.5 million watts.